
Big Small World is a live-action kids show that follows three neighbors as they mindfully learn new things about themselves and the world, with the help of their larger-than-life friend, Laya the Giant, who sends them on real-world field trips to gain new insights.


In a colorful world filled with subtle whimsy and magic, viewers will visit with three neighbors, Milo, Imogene, and Alden. Their apartment building figuratively and literally has no fourth wall, so they speak with viewers as much as with each other. Downstairs, a house band provides the soundtrack to their songs and adventures. Each episode, one of the neighbors shares a question, problem, or idea that they would like to know more about. The neighbors share these ideas with their friend Laya, a wise giant too tall to fully appear on camera. Laya is full of good advice. She teaches them mindfulness and always knows someone they can learn from. She sends them on real-world field trips to meet interesting people, learn how things are made, or how things work. The show focuses on social-emotional learning, particularly mindfulness, empathy, self-awareness, and curiosity.

Age range

Intended for kids 4–8, but enjoyable for the family, leaning into a nostalgic aesthetic that will appeal to millennial parents, and featuring real-world field trip segments that older elementary kids will enjoy, too.

The show is modeled on classic children’s television such as Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and Reading Rainbow, but updated for a modern audience. The show helps young kids grow socially and emotionally by learning more about the world and their place in it. It features on-set segments emphasizing friendship, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, as well as real-world segments that help apply lessons to the world around us. The target audience is children age 4-8 and their parents.

The project is currently in development.